Staff Photos

Each photo should be slightly different to express some personality and individuality. What will keep these images cohesive will be the use of a Dovecot pink element in either wardrobe or background. Red or mid-tone colours will be easiest to colour correct. Wardrobe should be clean, simple and neutral to allow the pink to pop (think black, greys, light creme, blues or white).
Posture should be relaxed and open. I like what you have in your portfolio so let’s work with your style.
Clean, simple, uncluttered. This will allow the Dovecot pink to stand out as well as allow focus on the relaxed body language.
Site photos
There are 3 suggestions below for site photos and are intended as a guide for body language, composition…
I know your working environment will be unique; what we want to capture is the feeling of these types of images. The logic/purpose for each is explained below so that you know what we are trying to present to the client and why.
We will need 3 images but leave it to you to determine if you’d like to capture more for other uses.
The Team Photo

Focus is on the body language between the two people – shows that they work well together. We want to create a sense of working together in a relaxed but still professional manner.
The goal is to show the client (and possible partner companies) how easy it is to work with Dovecot.
Clean, uncluttered with a few office items of neutral colour placed in a casual (but not random) way.
The ‘Expected’ Photo

Although a bit cliché (people putting post-its up or making lists on whiteboards or similar) this photo is what the client expects to see when coming to the site as everyone else in the industry uses this language.We want them to know that Dovecot will deliver (do what is expected), they are just going to do it in a more brilliant way.
Looking at your portfolio I believe you can find a way to do this tastefully with the focus being on body language and people working well together and not so much on the post-its (or similar).
Not all photos have to have a light background. Dark greys and blacks will also work well.
The Action Shot

Active photo, to instill a sense of energy or dynamism to the team. Love this photo because of the casual body language, she is going up (associated with progress and improvement), she is relaxed and positive.
The background is unusual, dynamic and a bit edgy. It’s different. I like this image of femininity which isn’t so ‘feminine’.